In theory, I like spiders. They catch other jerks like mosquitos. But I don't want to find them in my house. Ask my husband Sam - he will tell you that I like my fair share of bugs, especially earthworms. It's not me, it's the spiders. My dad tells this story about stomping on a spider nest on his back porch when he was a boy. Hundreds of baby spiders went running up his legs. He might exaggerate a bit, but needless to say I have never wanted to find out by experience.
Maybe the spiders have already hatched and the problem is moot, but for now I assume they are planning to emerge and I am trying to work up the courage to remove these babies. The nests are creepier than the spiders!
I'm impressed you can even say you like spiders in theory! And that story about your dad gave me the chills.